Developing an AI talent supply chain:

An exclusive comment from Ismaelle Haddouzi

Source: Muse™

Developing an AI talent supply chain:
The metamorphosis of HR through AI

Ismaelle Haddouzi

Artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly metamorphosed our world, and the human resources (HR) sector has not escaped this revolution. Through my experience in AI with a dominance in human resources, I have observed the impact of AI on recruitment processes, talent management and professional development.

Competency matching

One of the key challenges for HR is matching candidates' skills to the specific requirements of job vacancies. AI thoroughly analyzes job descriptions and CVs to identify relevant skills. Using sophisticated algorithms, it establishes precise matches between the skills sought and those possessed by candidates.

Predictive analysis

AI predicts the probability of a candidate's success in a given position. By examining historical hiring data, it identifies patterns and correlations between candidates' characteristics and their performance within the company. This enables HR professionals to make more informed recruitment decisions.

Personalized professional development

AI recommends personalized professional development opportunities for each candidate and employee. By analyzing current skills and career aspirations, it suggests specific training, certifications and projects to encourage professional growth.

Ongoing training and market adaptation

Faced with rapidly changing markets, colleges and universities play an essential role in preparing students and professionals. Advanced hybrid learning, personalized learning and interaction are key approaches to adapting to this dynamic context. Educational institutions need to continually reassess their programs to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with market needs.

The human at the heart of AI: human-machine collaboration

However, it is crucial to recognize that certain qualities are not visible on a CV, and that the candidate's or employee's declarative statements are not in line with their actual skills. Humans bring unique assets such as empathy, creativity and the ability to solve complex problems. AI must complement these human skills, not replace them.

Ethics and transparency

Integrating AI into HR raises important ethical questions. It is crucial to ensure the transparency of the algorithms used, to guarantee the fairness of automated processes and to respect the privacy of candidates and employees. Companies need to develop clear policies to avoid discriminatory bias and ensure the ethical use of AI.

Looking to the future: between adaptability and resilience

Finally, it is essential to adapt algorithms so that they not only look in "the rearview mirror", but also on "the windshield", in order to look resolutely into the future.

Technologies and labor market needs are changing rapidly. AI systems must be designed to adapt to change and help companies remain resilient in the face of economic and technological disruption. AI's ability to provide real-time analytics and anticipate future trends is key to maintaining competitiveness and innovation.

AI models must anticipate future labor market needs and encourage innovation. AI must not only reflect the past, but also help shape a better future.

Ismaelle Haddouzi

CEO & Founder e-Peak People HR, SaaS solutions for managing human potential, skills, competencies and performance.

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Professional experience

Ismaelle Haddouzi has a degree in psychology. She began her career in sales, first in the IT and home automation sectors, then in data solutions based on customer knowledge, supporting companies in all sectors in their digital transformation. These experiences have enabled her to develop a deep understanding of consumer needs and behaviors. However, she also realized that companies know their customers well, but much less about their employees.

In order to remedy this and gain a thorough understanding of HR, Ismaelle joined an HR consultancy where she developed new competency models for top management in the pharmaceutical industry. This stage of her career was marked by her commitment to innovating and improving talent management processes. In 2018, she decided to combine her life experiences, passion for people and expertise in psychology and artificial intelligence (AI) to create Peak People HR. This revolutionary solution, which combines AI and cognitive science in organization, skills and career path management, aims to enable companies to make evidence-based decisions , "beyond the biases and masks".

With Peak People, Ismaelle strives to build dynamic organizations, detecting, recruiting, training and retaining the talent companies really need, with a focus on skills, not appearances. Its commitment is to transform the human resources landscape to make it fairer, more transparent and more efficient. From September 20 to 21, 2024 in France (Paris) and from October 17 to 19, 2024 in Morocco (Rabat and Casablanca), it will be taking part in the second edition of Africa Solutions Week (SAS), to showcase this innovative solution.


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