Coded Bias documentary


The editors of Muse are highlighting a documentary about the existence of racist and misogynist bias. The documentary, Coded Bias, was made in 2020 by Shalini Kantayya. Coded Bias won 6 awards, including the Grand Reportage World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) Award in 2021 and the Grand Jury Prize for Transparency in 2021. The documentary Coded Bias was released in 2020, but unfortunately it is still relevant today. 

Coded Bias highlights the presence of bias in the algorithms of applications (such as facial recognition) that are used in different areas of our daily lives, such as healthcare, the justice system, the workplace (human resources), etc. Coded Bias also highlights the need to take into account the needs of different groups of people.

But Coded Bias also highlights another dark side of algorithms, the invisible part of how algorithms work, the famous black boxes.

To help us understand the impact and consequences of these biases, the director calls on renowned engineers such as Joy Buolamwini (Algorithm Justice LeagueAJL), Cathy O'Neil (O'Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing – ORCAA), Inioluwa Deborah Raji, Timnit Gebru (Digital Artificial Intelligence Research Institute - DAIR), Silkie Carlo... and other public figures such as Michelle Obhama.

We strongly recommend that you watch this documentary.

Link to the official documentary website:

Coded Bias Official Trailer


The ethics of data science


Big data ethics