The Web3 decentralization debate is focused on the wrong question.

Fixating on the degree - rather than the type - of decentralization is leading us astray

Source: Wired

While Web3 advocates claim that the schematic structure of the current Web is centralised. In practice, the infrastructure is not. Servers are spread over several distinct geographical locations.

On the other hand, the detractors of Web3 have emphasised the uselessness of a decentralised architecture.

As well as the need to implement exchange hubs in Web3 (wallet providers, currency exchanges, NFT platforms).

This shows that, in both a centralised and a decentralised infrastructure, an exchange hub is always necessary to perform transactions.

The real issue is not which architecture (centralised or decentralised) is best for the web. But rather, how can we improve this decentralised architecture?

To answer this, the new model would be based on a system of democracy: American federalism.

In our case, the model is called: composable local control or subsidiarity.

Subsidiarity is not a new model, as it originated with the original « network of networks », the internet based on the TCP/IP protocol. Subsidiarity is based on 3 points:

1. Keeping the data as close as possible to the social context of creation;

2. A multitude of solutions linked and integrated by coordinated mechanisms of federation and interoperability;

3. The exploitation and extension of trusted relationships and institutions both online and offline.


The most important scarce resource is legitimacy


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